As the situation with the COVID-19 virus continues, we want you to know that we are available to our clients. We are conducting phone and virtual meetings. We are open and will continue to represent you in these uncertain times. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns or request for information.
Koribanics & Koribanics

Call Today For Exceptional Criminal Defense

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New Jersey Supreme Court | Certified Attorney | Seal of the Supreme Court of New Jersey
As the situation with the COVID-19 virus continues, we want you to know that we are available to our clients. We are conducting phone and virtual meetings. We are open and will continue to represent you in these uncertain times. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns or request for information.
Attorney Michael P Koribanics,

Excelling At White Collar Defense

The Need For An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal allegations surrounding drug use and violent acts are complex legal matters that carry serious consequences. The stakes are high for those who are convicted. Multiyear prison sentences are often the result.

Before speaking to anyone, reach out to Michael P. Koribanics. He is a skilled criminal defense attorney who will take the time to understand the circumstances that led you to your arrest. From there, he will customize strategies to secure the best possible outcome.

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes cover a wide range of not only illegal and unauthorized prescription narcotics, but also paraphernalia that includes pipes and needles. The varying degree of potential criminal charges is based on the specific type of drug and the alleged amount. In many cases, addiction played a role in an arrest with suspects being given the option for rehabilitation.

Violent Crimes

Violent criminal allegations can include assault, armed robbery, manslaughter and murder. Often charged as felonies, few criminal matters are more severe with the possibility of life in prison. Even lower-level offenses can show up in a background check when applying for a job or pursuing an education.

An Experienced Trial Attorney Can Make A Difference

An arrest for a drug crime or violent criminal offense does not mean a conviction is automatic. At Koribanics & Koribanics, Michael P. Koribanics will attend to every detail in your case. While he understands that plea bargains are always an option, Attorney Koribanics prides himself on being a trial attorney who will not hesitate to take criminal cases to court.

Contact Their Clifton-Based Law Office Today

Before speaking to anyone about white collar criminal allegations, contact their Clifton-based law office at 973-869-5599 or send an email. You will work directly with Attorney Koribanics throughout your case, not an associate.